Digital strategy for small business

Get the confidence and direction for growing your business.

It’s time to get clear, reduce overwhelm and start marketing your business strategically.

So many platforms, so little time! Are you spinning your wheels trying to ‘keep up’ with a newsletter here and a post there, and everything feels a bit random and with new platforms constantly emerging it can feel totally overwhelming.

I get it.

You’re not alone! Without a clear direction it’s easy to be sucked into the digital marketing abyss, leading to the question: “why are we even doing this?”

Given the limited time and resources that small business owners have, it is essential to focus on what is truly important and prioritise what not to do, as much as what to do, and that’s where I can help.

How I can help

You may want to consider a strategic approach if…

You're doing lots of things but unsure if anything is really working

You aren't doing anything (but want to) and need a plan

You lack confidence with what you should be doing, what to write about, and how often

It all feels like chaos – it's time for some systems and clarity!

Sound like you?

Great, let's get some direction!

Options + Pricing

Digital Business Strategy

Get clarity and confidence with an action plan that covers all areas of your digital business.
1 hour business discovery session
Competitor overview
Audit of current platforms
90 day action plan, covering all areas of your online business.
Implementation support

Investment: AUD $499

SEO + Content Strategy

Develop a solid foundation for content that is intentional, consistent and on brand.
1 hour content session
SEO and content strategy, covering keywords, audience typologies, key themes, pillars and topic examples
On and off page optimisation of website
Templates and workflow assistance
3 month initial content plan
Implementation support

Investment: AUD $1,499



Let's have a chat about what a strategy could do for your business!