Digital marketing and content for physiotherapy business

Limitless Physio: Digital Strategy and Content Planning

Client: Limitless Physiotherapy and Pilates
Project: Digital Strategy and Content Plan


Limitless Physio and Pilates is a physiotherapy and clinical pilates studio located in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney. Although Limitless have established brand awareness in the local area, the business faces competition from other emerging physiotherapists and pilates studios in an already saturated market. To remain visible and maintain brand consistency, owner and head physiotherapist Ryan sought help with ongoing marketing. Ryan engaged me to create regular content, Google Ads, email newsletters, and social media posts. Before starting, we developed a meaningful and sustainable marketing strategy with an execution workflow that included  management, subject matter experts (physiotherapists), and various marketing freelancers.

Project Deliverables

Digital Strategy
Content Planning
Monthly Content Outline
Content Workflow

Digital Strategy
The digital strategy considers the main goals within the business, current business challenges, and industry wide seasonal peaks and troughs – and explores various marketing platforms and their purpose, frequency, as well as measuring and reporting. This provided a strong foundation and point of reference for long and short term marketing efforts.

Content Planning
Ryan and I brainstormed content ideas based on anecdotal data, trending search data, and business challenges. We mapped these ideas to a seasonal calendar that factored in sports/events and service promotions. This resulted in a 12-month plan that aligned content across channels, balanced evergreen content, and achieved specific goals.

Monthly Content Outline and Workflow
The monthly physiotherapist-written blog article is designed to drive website traffic and act as a theme for supporting content across social for that month. I provided the team with blog outlines, on-page SEO guidelines, video ideas, captions, hashtags, and graphics for social media. We created a flexible schedule to accommodate time-specific communication. To streamline content creation, I established a blog posting workflow and checklist, Google Drive folder structure, Canva templates, and training videos accessible to all team members.

Digital marketing and content for physiotherapy business

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