Active Strides: Website

Physiotherapy Website Design Sydney

Client: Active Strides
Project: Website Design


Active Strides offers physical and functional therapy for children, adolescents, and young adults of all abilities.

Founder Sara had been working with kids and teens as part of her wider experience as a physiotherapist and mentor and created Active Strides out of a need for specialised, specific service for kids and young adults.

Project Deliverables

To officially launch the business, Sara needed a site that would display and explain their unique services in a fun and engaging way that also aimed to remove the stigma of disability by focussing on inclusiveness.

The new website also needed to support scope to grow – to support landing pages for online services and courses, as well as digitise traditional paperwork forms. The final project deliverables included:

  • A fully responsive bespoke WordPress website
  • A library of stock images
  • Refined the brand’s colour palette and developed a pattern to be used across social media
  • Online assessment forms to reduce friction for new clients
  • Landing page templates for future business offerings

Project Outcomes

Sara was such a dream to work with, providing the subject matter expertise while I provided the facilitation to get clear on our audience’s challenges and structure the site in a way that helped overcome these. The result is a fully functional site that encapsulates the entire user journey – from initial awareness right up until their first appointment.

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