Debbie Petherick: Website

Counsellors and Psychologist Custom Website Design

Client: Debbie Petherick
Project: Website Design

Project Background

Debbie Petherick is a counselor based in Plymouth, United Kingdom. Her current website was failing due to a number of outdated plugins and was not mobile-responsive. Instead of attempting to fix the current site, we decided to explore a redesign and development of a new, mobile-responsive site that would create a warm, welcoming, and calming experience for users, reflecting Debbie’s own personality and service to clients.

Project Deliverables

Through an audit of her current site, we redesigned the site structure through an improved sitemap and added prominent calls to action on the homepage.

We also identified certain aspects of her current site that she liked, such as the ‘stepping stones’ image that symbolised a patient’s journey through counselling. We also considered refining her current logo and introducing a new colour palette, incorporating some of the earth tones from the existing site while contrasting them with pastels to achieve a lighter and calming atmosphere.

Debbie was fantastic to work with (even with a UK time difference!) and we are both so happy with the outcome! She has also received overwhelming positive feedback from both new and current clients.

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